Our Very Own
Rock and Mineral Gallery
This Tuesday we will be setting up a Rock and Mineral Gallery in the classroom to celebrate the end of our unit. Students are invited to bring in their personal collection to display for the class. Each student will display their collection on their desk, and we will take a gallery walk to enjoy our specimens. Your child is allowed to bring only what can fit on their desk. Please check to make sure their collection is suitable. If possible, please help your child identify the names of their rocks and minerals. We will be making small name tags wherever possible.
English Language Arts Tests - May 8, 9, 10
Mathematics Tests - May 18-19
Last week we took another look at the Smarter Balanced Practice Test.
Testing is only 1 week away!
Mathematics Tests - May 18-19
Most students are finishing up their first persuasive essay, and many have begun to plan out their second.
This week we nearly finished up our fraction unit as we explored the following concepts:
Equivalent Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
With like denominators
(3rd grade)
With unlike denominators
(4th grade)
(3rd grade)
With unlike denominators
(4th grade)
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Simplifying Fractions
We will be taking a two-part assessment on Fractions this week.
Last week we finished up our final mineral test.
Which of our minerals are crystals?
Some minerals are considered crystals. If the mineral breaks along geometric lines, which provides evidence of an organized crystalline structure, it is considered a crystal.
If a mineral breaks in no particular pattern, then it is not a crystal. This was the focus of our final mineral test.
This week the students will be identifying the 12 mystery minerals below.
The main learning goal here was not for the students to be able memorize the names of these 12 minerals, but rather experience the scientific process of examining physical properties, testing minerals, and recording observations.
May 8, 9, 10 - Smarter Balance Language Arts Test
May 18-19 - Smarter Balance Math Test
June 1 - Portland Bridge Tour
May 8, 9, 10 - Smarter Balance Language Arts Test
May 18-19 - Smarter Balance Math Test
June 1 - Portland Bridge Tour